Special Promo: Voucher Discount CAPM Certification!
Special Promo: Voucher Discount CAPM Certification!
Want to become a Certified Associate Project Management (CAPM) at an affordable price? Take advantage of our special promo!
Get Up to $10 USD Discount on CAPM Certification!
- Regular Price = 267 USD
- Discount Price = 257 USD
*Include Membership PMI
Benefit of CAPM Certification
- Career Advancement: Enhance credibility and job opportunities in project management.
- Professional Network: Join the global community of CAPM professionals.
- Knowledge and Skills: Gain internationally recognized knowledge and skills
Term & Condition
- Participant must have attended the CAPM Exam Preparation training at PT Sinergi Daya Mitra.
- Voucher can be used immediately upon purchase.
- This voucher is only valid for new registrants.
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